Friday, May 20, 2011

Best Friends

Best Friends, hmmmm what to say about them. I met mine at church about 11 years ago. When I first saw Virginia I thought that she was this Cheer leader type that I hated in high school. LOL!!!! She is soooo not that type. It is funny how different we are, yet at the same time how much alike we are. She always tells me that she hates talking on the phone and I have to remind her that every time we talk, the phone call last at least an hour. It is so cool to have someone like that to talk to. Every time we see each other we are sooo happy. When we got in fight one time and stopped talking to each other, it was so funny cause when we started talking again we had to laugh cause we both would cry to our husband about how much we missed the other ( I mean really cry, with tears). I think that God is such a wonderful God that he can get two people and match them like that. Even our kids are best friends. Our daughter Kerri and Ivy can spend a week together and will bawl when we have to separate them. I do not know what I would do if I did not have Virginia. Jen, I know that you are going to hate that I have sat here and gushed about you, but I was sitting here thinking what a great day we had today and I had to write something. Just remember, you are the one that is always telling me to blog (HEE HEE). You got it! I am so glad that you are my friend!


Virginia Revoir said...


farnsworthfive said...
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Virginia Revoir said...

You said my last name you bootyhead!

farnsworthfive said...

sorry, I will take it down